Glossary of Online AssessmentOnline assessment has become an essential tool for organizations seeking to evaluate candidates’ skills and knowledge efficiently and securely. However, this field...Read more
Advantages and disadvantages of asynchronous proctoringWith the rise in popularity of digital assessments within organizations, institutions are looking for the best monitoring tools during exam sessions. Some...Read more
Current trends in digital assessmentInnovating for more authentic assessment Following the pandemic, UNESCO reported that the adoption of educational technologies had progressed by 10 years in...Read more
The guide to a successful transition to online examsSeveral factors must be considered to make a successful transition to online testing to ensure that the evaluation remains relevant to the...Read more
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): A Guide to Creating Exams That Are Accessible to AllIn today’s ever-changing society, it is vital to ensure equitable access to education for all students, regardless of their individual differences. Universal...Read more
Promoting Equal Opportunities Through Online Exams: An Inclusive PerspectiveIn education, equal opportunity is a fundamental value. However, many barriers can limit equitable access to evaluations and skills assessments. This is...Read more